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The significance of the Hajj rituals lies in their ability to guide pilgrims towards a state of spiritual purity known as "ihram." This sacred state serves as a symbolic departure from materialistic symbols, prompting pilgrims to relinquish worldly comforts and redirect their focus inward. By shedding external adornments and embracing simplicity, pilgrims are encouraged to delve into the depths of their inner selves rather than being preoccupied with outward appearances. The rituals, therefore, act as a transformative process, testing the pilgrims' patience and tolerance. This spiritual journey challenges individuals to rise above the allure of worldly pleasures, fostering personal growth and a deeper connection with their faith.

On the 9th of Dhul Hijjah, just before noon, pilgrims converge upon Arafat, a desolate and flat expanse. Here, they engage in a contemplative vigil, offering supplications, seeking repentance for their sins, and imploring the mercy of Allah. Islamic scholars deliver a sermon during this period, which extends from noon until sunset, commonly referred to as wuquf, marking one of the pivotal rites of Hajj. Pilgrims collectively perform the noon and afternoon prayers at Masjid al-Namirah. It is imperative for the pilgrim to spend the afternoon at Arafat; failure to do so renders the Hajj invalid.

Hajj is the major pilgrimage undertaken by Muslims to Mecca, occurring in the last month of the Islamic calendar. It is obligatory for all Muslims who can afford to do so to perform Hajj at least once in their lifetime, making it one of the Five Pillars of Islam. There are three forms of Hajj: Tamattu, Ifraad, and Qiran. Here, we focus on the Tamattu form, which Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) encouraged. The process involves:

  1. Preparation and Intention: Make the niyyah or intention before beginning Hajj.
  2. Entering the State of Ihram: Enter the state of Ihram, signifying ritual purity.
  3. Performing Umrah in Makkah: Start with Tawaf (circumambulation around the Kaaba) and Sa'i (walking and running between Safa and Marwa hills). Men clip or shave their hair, while women trim it to fingertip length, marking the completion of Umrah.
  4. Resting and Praying: Remain in Makkah for the rest of the month, engaging in sincere worship. Hajj officially begins on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah.
  5. Re-entering the State of Ihram: Purify oneself and re-enter the state of Ihram on the 8th day.
  6. Arriving at Mina: Pray obligatory prayers, shorten the four-unit prayers to two, and spend the night, preparing for the next day.
  7. Day of 'Arafat: Go to the plains of 'Arafat, recite Istaghfar, and make supplications.
  8. Arrival in Muzdalifah: After sunset, leave 'Arafat for Muzdalifah, perform Maghrib and 'Isha Salah, and collect pebbles for the "stoning the devil" ritual.
  9. Rami and Hady: On the 10th of Dhul Hijjah, perform the Hady and initiate the first day of "stoning the devil."
  10. Qurbani and Eid al-Adha: On the same day, offer Qurbani or sacrifice.
  11. Shaving the Head: After the Hady, men shave or trim their hair; women trim to fingertip length, and Ihram is lifted.
  12. Tawaf al-Ifadha and Saai': Return to Makkah, perform Tawaf al-Ifadha, and another circuit of Saai'.
  13. Second Day of Rami: On the 11th of Dhul Hijjah, carry out the second day of "stoning the devil."
  14. Spend Night in Mina: After the second Rami, return to the camp in Mina and engage in worship.
  15. Third Day of Rami: On the afternoon of the 12th of Dhul Hijjah, conclude the "stoning the devil" ritual.
  16. Tawaf al-Wida: Perform Tawaf al-Wida before leaving the boundaries of the Haram.

Mina is a valley encircled by mountains, where pilgrims reside on the nights of the 8th, 11th, and 12th of Dhul Hijjah during Hajj. Occasionally, some may also spend the night of the 13th in Mina. The significance of Mina extends to the stoning ritual, as it is home to the three stone pillars of Jamarat.

Staying in Mina is crucial because pilgrims dedicate an entire day and night within the tents situated there, known as Layali al Tashriq. During this period, pilgrims engage in various acts of devotion, including reading the Holy Quran, offering prayers, worshipping Allah SWT, and participating in Zikr. Additionally, they attend Islamic lectures, making their stay in Mina a spiritually enriching experience that aligns with the core rituals of Hajj.

Muzdalifah consists of an open and level area close to Mecca in the Hejazi region of Saudi Arabia. It is southeast of Mina and on the route present between Mina and Arafat.

The 9th of Dhul Hijjah is spent at Muzdalifah. This will be under the open sky. Here pilgrims will gather pebbles to throw at the pillars of Jamarat.

When at Muzdalifah the pilgrim can pray to Allah SWT. They will ask for blessings and forgiveness. Here they can rest so that they are prepared for the next three days of Hajj.

Before sunrise the pilgrims will leave Muzdalifah for Mina.

The Day of Arafat occurs on the ninth day of Dhul Hijjah. Muslims go to Arafat to pray and supplicate to Allah SWT. The following ayah was also revealed on this day therefore it is even regarded as being important “This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favour upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.” (Surah al Maa’idah 5:3)

Seven small stones are thrown at Jamarat.

Hajj includes a series of rituals which occur in and around Mecca and are over a period of five to six days.

The Hajj ministry has officially let women to perform the pilgrimage without a male relative or Mehram. This is if they go in a group.

No obligation is present on the Duas that you need to recite during Tawaf. You can read the verses that are from the Holy Quran. You may take the name of Allah. One can recite personal Duas in any language. There are some recommended Duas that you can read while circling around the Holy Kaaba.

Dua for the first turn:

“Allahumma as’aluka bi ismikal ladhi yumshi bihi ‘ala talilil mai kala yumshi bihi ‘ala judadil ardhi; as’aluka bi ismikal ladhi yahtazzu lahu ‘arshuka; wa asaluka bi ismikal ladhi tahtazzu lahu ‘arshuka; wa as’aluka bi ismikal ladhi tahtazzu lahu aqdamu mala’ikatika; wa asaluka bi ismikal ladhi da‘aka bihi Musa min janibit tūril ayman, fastajabta lahu walqayta ‘alayhi muhabbatan minka; wa as’aluka bi ismikal ladhi ghafarta bihi li Muhammadin la taqaddama min dhanbihi wa ma ta’akkhara wa atmamta ‘alayhi ni‘matuka – an tarzuqani khayrad dinya wal akhirah.”

 Dua for the second turn:

“Allahumma inni ilayka faqirun wa inni kha’ifun mustajirun, fa la tughayyir jismi wa la tubaddil ismi; Sa’iluka faqiruka miskinuka bi babika; fa tasaddaq ‘alayha bil jannah; Allahumma, al-baytu baytuk, wal haramu haramuk, wal ‘abdu ‘abduk, wa hadha maqamul ‘a’idhu bikal mustajiru bika minan nar, fa a‘tiqni wa walidayya wa ahlii wa wuldi, ikhwaniyal mu’minin minan nar, ya jawadu ya karim.”

Dua for the third turn:

“Allahumma adkhilniyil jannah wa ajirni minan nar bi rahmatika, wa ‘afiniy minas suqmi wa awsi‘ ‘alayya minar rizqil halal, wadra’ ‘anni sharra fasaqatil jinni wal insi, wa sharra fasaqatil ‘arab wal ‘ajam; Ya dhal manni wat tawli; ya dhal jūdi wal karam; inna ‘amali dha‘ifun fa dha‘ifhu li; wa taqabbilhu minni; innaka antas sami‘ul ‘alim.”

Dua for the fourth turn:

“Ya Allahu, ya waliyyal ‘afiyah wa khaliqal ‘afiyah wa raziqal ‘afiyah wal mun‘imu bil ‘afiyah wal mutafaddilu bil ‘afiyah ‘alayya wa ‘ala jami‘i khalqika, ya Rahmanad dinya wal akhirah wa Rahimahuma, salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa Al-I Muhammad war-zuqnal ‘afiyah wa tamamal ‘afiyah wa shural ‘afiyah fid dinya wal akhirah. Ya arhamar rahimin.”

Dua for the fifth turn:

“Allahumma atina fid dunya hasanatan wa fil akhirati hasanatan wa qina ‘adhaban nar.”

Dua for the sixth turn:

“Allahummal baytu baytuka, wal ‘abdu ‘abduka, wa hadha maqamul ‘a’idhi bika minan nar. Allahumma min qablikar rūhu wal faraju wal ‘afiyah. Allahumma inna ‘amali dha‘ifun, fa dha‘ifhu li; waghfir li mat-tala‘ta ‘alayhi minni wa khafiya ‘ala khalqika; astajiru billahi minan nar.”

Dua for the seventh turn:

“Allahumma ‘indi afwajan min dhunūb wa afwajan min khataya; wa ‘indaka afwajun min rahmatin wa afwajun min maghfirati; ya manis-tajaba li-abghadhi khalqihi idh qala andhirni ila yawmi yub‘athūna, istajib li. Allahumma qanni‘ni bima razaq-tani, wa barik li fima ataytani.”

Sa’i tends to be the ritualistic walking that occurs between the two mountains that are of Safa and Marwa.

It is Sunnah for pilgrims to recite

“Inna s-safa wa l-marwata min sha’a’iri llah(i)”. It means that indeed, Safa and Marwa are from the signs of Allah. After this, pilgrims would have to recite the following Dua – “Abda’u bima bad’allahu bihi”. This Dua says, I begin with that which Allah has begun with.

The supplications are needed to be recited once prior to Saee. They should not be at the start of each lap. It is thought that Dua is accepted much during Saee.

To get detailed information about what are 5-star hajj services please read our blog: Experience a 5-Star Hajj with Unparalleled Luxury and Comfort

The Hajj Policy 2025 introduces several changes, including an increase in the Hajj quota, restrictions on children below 12 years from performing Hajj, and new benefits for pilgrims. Learn more about Hajj Policy 2025 here.

To apply for Hajj 2025, you will need to follow the official application process provided by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony. Ensure you meet all the necessary criteria before applying for the Hajj balloting process.


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According to the Hajj Policy 2025, children below 12 years of age will not be allowed to perform Hajj in 2025 due to safety and logistics concerns.

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The Road to Makkah service will make the departure process smoother by allowing pilgrims to complete necessary procedures at Islamabad and Karachi airports. Learn more about this service here.

Compensation for injured or deceased pilgrims has been significantly increased under the new regulations. Read more about pilgrim compensation here.

To ensure a smooth and hassle-free Hajj experience, it is recommended to choose a reliable Hajj service provider like 7 Seas Hajj & Umrah Services (Pvt.) Ltd., known for offering luxury Hajj packages and expert guidance throughout the pilgrimage.

Learn more about the Hajj Policy 2025 here.

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